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Begun as a tenants' association of artists in 1982, CSP was incorporated in 1985 and received 501(c)(3) status from the IRS the following year. In 1994, the organization bid on and purchased the 1905 building from the local school district. In accordance with its mission, CSP has provided, besides much-needed preservation work on the historic Central School building, a broad array of arts programming including art exhibits, performance art, poetry readings, plays, concerts, dance performances, film events, and children's workshops.


As a community service organization in a rural community that has become widely recognized as a center for the arts, CSP supports and collaborates with individuals and organizations to further cultural awareness in the community. CSP also makes its resources available to the community for a variety of programs and activities.



our mission
Central School Project is a non-profit arts facility with the three-fold mission of providing affordable creative space to working artists, preserving the historic Central School building, and fostering appreciation of the arts in the Bisbee community.
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CSP is located in the historic mining town of Bisbee, Arizona

The Central School Project Board is composed of 20 artist members. The Board officers are:

Paul Bovee - President

Jeff Shriver - Vice-President

Lucy St. John - Treasurer

Pam Blunt - Secretary

Laurie McKenna - Executive Director

membership queries

Membership Information


When studios become available CSP has a call for applications. Interviews are then conducted by a member search committee. The call for applications is published here, via social media, and local newspapers.


Studio fees are based on square footage. Membership requires a commitment of time (in-kind service hours) to fulfill our mission of fostering arts in the Bisbee community and preserving our historic building.



Central School Project is a non-profit arts and cultural center with the three-fold mission of providing affordable studio space to working artists, preserving and adapting the historic Central School building , and fostering appreciation of the arts in the Bisbee community.

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Central School Project

l43 Howell Ave. Bisbee,AZ 85603

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